For many years, only high quality far best infrared saunas dominated the infrared sauna market. Handicrafts, for the most part, were very high. The woods used were Western Red Canadian Cedar and quality white woods such as linden, spruce and aspen. The majority of infrared heaters used were ceramic and metal with ceramic being the preferred type due to higher infrared efficiency and infrared output. There was strict quality control of the woods and glues used. Electrical safety and consistent customer service were the hallmarks of our industry at this time. There were less than a handful of manufacturers in the whole of the United States. It was the state of the industry in which we developed our business. Quality was everything.
Over the past 10 years, however, as the internet has grown, poor quality overseas manufacturing has spawned many entry-level sauna companies importing containers from infrared saunas with little or no understanding of the therapeutic benefits. of infrared therapy. They were selling a wooden crate with radiators. In addition, quality and after-sales service did not seem to be a major concern. They were offering cheap, poor quality saunas on the Internet and in big box stores… saunas as a cheap product. We ordered different models from a few of the top manufacturers and were immediately appalled at the quality of the materials and construction and the lack of security right down to the basic wiring. The controls and heaters were cheap and substandard. The aesthetics were completely wrong. Some had noxious odors from the toxic glues used in the manufacturing process. Others had horrible smells coming from the wood itself. Some woods had not been finished sanded; rough to the touch when you run your hand over it. We also found staples, mismatched veneers, dangling and bare wires… this is not a quality product! . The controls and heaters were cheap and substandard. The aesthetics were completely wrong. Some had noxious odors from the toxic glues used in the manufacturing process. Others had horrible smells coming from the wood itself. Some woods had not been finished sanded; rough to the touch when you run your hand over it. We also found staples, mismatched veneers, dangling and bare wires… this is not a quality product!cheap sauna is also more useful than others.
What was even worse was that most of these one person saunas presented a combination of risks ranging from high levels of EMFs emitted by heaters to toxic fumes. It was also evident that the manufacturer did not understand the basics of how infrared therapy works with the human body, as there were multiple design flaws. For example, many of these companies did not know where to place the heaters for optimal efficiency and healing, a critical mistake. Radiators placed above the head are useless because it is the infrared wavelengths coming directly from the radiators that do the healing in an infrared sauna. Positioning the heaters above the head only wastes infrared energy that could be better utilized at the front of the sauna, or by the calves and sides of the body. This is a big functional error. The idea behind infrared therapy is to heat your body with the appropriate wavelengths, so it is important to heat your front, back, and sides. Without proper placement of the radiator, you will only receive a partial benefit. We take a different approach, with radiators kept low to keep infrared heat directed at your body and we completely surround you with infrared heat. There is no infrared heat wasted over your head. You will get more benefits faster with the maximum amount of infrared heat absorbed by your body. your body.