Saturday, March 13, 2021

How to lose weight on your own at home: our sports coaching tips!

1. Exercise to lose weight at home


Whether you want to lose weight on your hips or buttocks, slim down your figure, firm up your skin or get a flat stomach, our top tip is to keep up regular physical activity to lose weight.


The good news is that you don't need a gym membership to do this: you can do it at home, as long as you have the will to do it!


Indeed, you will have to do physical activities every day, and stick to the schedule scrupulously.


Regular exercise prevents fat storage and eliminates toxins in the body. You can also use best infrared sauna to lose weight easily.


But if you do an intense two-hour session and then stop for a month, you will lose all the benefits of exercise. And on top of that, you won't gain any muscle mass.


Here is a list of exercises to do at home to lose weight:


Squats, to lose weight in the thighs (3 sets of 20 movements),

Girdling, to strengthen the abdominal muscles (hold for 20 seconds while lying down and then gradually increase),

Dips, to build up the arms and abdominal muscles (3 sessions of 10 repetitions, interspersed with rest periods),

Lunges, to build abs and buttocks (3 sets of 10 on each leg, interspersed with breaks),

Crunches, with 3 sets of 10,

Lateral gainage, to strengthen the oblique abdominals (hold for 20 seconds on each side, then gradually increase).

You may not lose weight quickly, depending on whether your metabolism is slow or fast. I have seen some fat people who have bought one person sauna and lost their weight in quick time.


But at least you're getting into a rhythm to make your body more toned.


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2. Start a split training program


Remember that sports activity is performed by a set of muscle contractions that cause movement.


When the body is subjected to a caloric expenditure, it begins to burn calories in the glycogen reserves stored in the muscles and in the liver.


It then provides the muscles with three types of energy, called ATP: adenosine tri-phosphate. I have reviews infrared sauna reviews so you can read here.


This is called the anaerobic threshold. It is the moment when the muscle groups start to move for an intensive and brief effort, until the maximum capacity of the body is exhausted.


If the effort continues, the body produces lactic acid, causing a burning sensation in the muscles, which prompts you to stop the effort.


During more intensive training, the body converts ATP into oxygen and oxidizes the glucose (carbohydrates) in the tissues. This is called the anaerobic threshold.


It is the endurance gained by repeating the anaerobic threshold that allows for sustained calorie burning.


Split training (for high intensity interval training, HIIT in English) remains at present one of the best sports to practice for fat loss.


This sport involves making intense efforts at regular intervals, spaced with short rest periods.


As a result, it stimulates fat burning by increasing the speed of your metabolism.


A June 2012 study on the relationship between sport and weight loss showed that HIIT practitioners lose seven times more body mass than those who only do cardio.


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