Tuesday, January 26, 2021

How to lose weight and Keep Making Good Habbits

Wow, are you confused? Do you want to lose weight but don’t know what to believe about healthy weight loss and healthy eating? There is so much conflicting information available!

Everywhere you look you can find articles, advice and information on how to lose weight.

Less on how to lose weight and keep it off, which is just as important if not more so. Especially as yo-yo dieting is proven to be hazardous for the body, and makes losing weight increasingly difficult due to the changes in metabolism it leads to.

So, just how do you lose weight healthily and keep it off sustainably?

To know YOUR WHY… Why do you want to lose weight?

What is your motivation?

You need to connect to this WHY… It is key to long-term success; to stopping the spiral into quitting after a bad day, when you messed up as we all do from time to time. It keeps you focused and motivated for success.

In this website best portable sauna you can see there are some products that will blow your mind and will lead you to lose weight easily.

Ask yourself

  • Why do I want to lose weight?
  • What is important about that? And then again…
  • What is important about that answer?

Keep digging deeper.

It might go something like… ‘I want to lose weight because I know I should!’

But what is important about that?… ‘Well I know it is not healthy to be overweight.’

OK, but what is important about that? ‘Well… I have small children and I want to be able to play, do more with them, and be healthy and around for them.’

All of a sudden we have moved away from – I know I should, to… I want to live life to the fullest with my kids.




Best sauna guide is offering back resistance band workout tool to use and also in cheap price.

A powerful motivating factor right there!

And you can use that to fuel your dream and lose weight healthily.

2  So now we need to keep that motivation at the forefront of your mind!

A great way to do that is to create ‘anchors’.

These anchors work in the same way as an anchor of a boat. It keeps you where you want to be, right with your motivation.

Anchors are reminders in your everyday physical life of WHY you are making the changes you are making, especially in the face of temptation.

They need to connect with your senses (one for each sense is perfect, but don’t worry if you can’t quite manage that)…

  • sight
  • touch
  • hearing
  • taste
  • smell

Let’s have some examples, maybe a…

We are also selling ab exercise with resistance band in cheap price.

  • Song that you have on a CD in your car. Every time you get in your car you put that song on and it motivates you, reminds you, gives you that little pep talk… ‘Ah yes, this is WHY!’
  • Photo of something, maybe your kids (reminding you that you want to be fit and healthy because of your responsibility to them)
  • Picture of you at the weight you prefer
  • Mug with a quote on, a piece of jewelry
  • Absolutely anything you connect your motivation with

And keep your anchors very present in your physical environment, in different locations, work, home, car, kitchen, since temptation will crop up anywhere!

Finally, try them out for a week and see which ones work, replace ones that don’t with some new ones.

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